Car Rental France - Rent a Car in France
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About France
France is located in western Europe and also comprises several overseas regions and territories. Metropolitan France (located in western Europe) has a total area of 551,6952
sq. kilometres and 1,028,446 km of roads, including 11,416 km of motorways.
Driving licence requirements in France
To rent a car in France you must be at least 21 years old. However, some car rental agencies require you to be at least 25 years old. You must be in possession of a valid driving licence from your country of origin, and you must have held this licence for one year or more.
Drivers from other EU countries do not need an international driving licence.
Visitors from Asia, Australia, Africa and the Americas must also present an international driving licence.
Tolls in France
Most roads in France are toll roads. There are toll stations and booths where you pay the toll according to the distance that you have travelled.
Driving in France
In France you drive on the right hand side of the road. Seat belts are mandatory for all passengers at all times when driving. Children under the age of 10 are not allowed to travel in the front seats of vehicles. Children up to 10 must travel in an approved child seat or restraint, adapted to their size.
Alcohol limit requirements in France
Driving a rental car under the influence of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited. In the event of insurance claims you will be fully responsible for any damage to the rental car if driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Please note that whenever and wherever you drive a rented car in France, the blood alcohol limit is 0 (0.00%), regardless of the country’s laws!
Winter equipment in France
There is no legal requirement for the use of winter tyres. Winter chains – in France, winter chains are mandatory in some regions and areas. You should carry them and pay attention to road signs indicating the need to use winter chains.
Speed limits in France
Towns: 50 km/h
Open roads: 90 km/h, if raining 80 km/h
Dual carriageways: 110 km/h, if raining 100 km/h
Motorways: 130 km/h, if raining 110 km/h